Climbing – What makes a grade?
2 Nov 2022, Rock & Sun
Climbing grades are source of much debate. Who decides what the grade of a route is? What makes a route a cer…
Trevor Massiah: Climber and Coach
22 Oct 2022, Rock & Sun
Published in Climber. Edition: Sept/Oct 2022, p.18. Trevor Massiah: Climber and Coach In…
What to do when your rope isn’t long enough
3 Sep 2021, Rock & Sun
This is a follow up article to “Watch your rope – why are people being lowered off the end of their rop…
A fresh look at fall practice
25 May 2021, Rock & Sun
Being comfortable with falling is crucial in order for people to be coached effectively. Being fully focused…
New Routing
19 May 2021, Rock & Sun
If you follow Rock & Sun on Facebook, Instagram or via our Newsletter, you would have seen a few posts th…
Placing Trad Gear Between Bolts
7 Sep 2020, Rock & Sun
Placing trad gear between bolts can be an effective solution when struggling to find easy well-bolted routes…
Learning from Near-Misses
8 Jun 2020, Rock & Sun
Are the number of climbing accidents increasing? Of course, the sheer volume of people involved in the activi…
Common Mistakes and Improved Systems
4 Jun 2020, Rock & Sun
This blog “Common Mistakes and Improved Systems” is intended as supporting information for the ar…
The Art of Redpointing
1 Jun 2020, Rock & Sun
The Art of Redpointing Climbing magazines, climbing videos on YouTube and climbers’ posts on social med…